
Active Research

Tracking and Predicting Object Motion

Our ability to track objects in our visual field is critical for many tasks including driving and playing sports.  However, in many of these tasks, we might need to interact with many moving targets.  If one plans on avoiding or engaging a moving object, it is not the current location that is important, but the future location.  How we accomplish this goal with many moving objects is the focus of this work.  Click on the link above to find out about the current and past studies.

Technology Use in Educational and Entertainment Environments

Technology continually becomes more pervasive in our lives.  Situations where educational and entertainment goals collide create a fascinating intersection where technology can be used to bridge the divide.  However, navigating such a task can be very complex.  Creating a system that satisfies such distinctive goals requires careful Human Factors implementation.  Click on the link above to find out about the current and past studies.