Research Topics

The research interests in this lab lie in the broad areas of Security, Networking, and Big Data Analytics with a focus on experiments and modeling in the following domains.

  • Networking engineering and protocols: Performance Optimization of a telecommunications network by dynamically analyzing, predicting and regulating the behavior of data transmitted over that network.
  • Emergency Response Systems (ERS): Emergency data must be delivered in a timely fashion to assist rescue effort and recovery after a crisis. The data are often classified based on urgency for delivery priority. The aim of this research is to develop and leverage traffic engineering (TE) techniques to support emergency response where the end-to-end (E2E) delay is optimized for emergency data delivery depending on data urgency level.
  • Security of computer networking and cyberinfrastructure: This research focuses on the developement of policies and practices needed to prevent and monitor adversarial conducts against network-accessible resources, such as Science DMZ.
  • User and attacker behavior analytics with social sciences: This research aims at studying user behavior factors, such as intervention, phishing type, and monetary incentive, to understand how a user behaves during attacks or reception of malicious contents and what mechanism may prevent a user from a target.
  • Cyber physical systems (e.g., power grids and transportation): This research area deals with systems, which comprise interacting digital, analog, physical, and human components engineered for function through integrated physics and logic. The efficiency and resiliency of such systems help in ensuring the foundation of our critical infrastructure, form the basis of emerging and future smart services, and improve our quality of life in many areas. Cyber-physical systems are relied on for bringing advances in personalized health care, emergency response, traffic flow management.
Selected Recent Publications
  • T. Chin, M. Rahouti, K. Xiong. "End-to-End Delay Minimization Approaches Using Software-Defined Networking." In ACM RACS 2017
  • T. Chin, K. Xiong, M. Rahouti. "SDN-Based Kernel Modular Countermeasure for Intrusion Detection." In SecureComm 2017
  • H. Ni, M. Rahouti, A. , K. Xiong, Y. Xin. "A Distributed Cloud-based Wide-Area Controller with SDN-Enabled Delay Optimization." In IEEE PES General Meeting (PESGM 2018)
  • M. Rahouti, K. Xiong, T. Chin, P. Hu. "SDN-ERS: A Timely Software Defined Networking Framework for Emergency Response Systems." In IEEE CPS Week, SCOPE 2018
  • T. Chin, M. Rahouti, K. Xiong. "Applying Software-Defined Networking to Minimize the End-to-End Delay of Network Services." In ACM ACR journal 2018
  • T. Chin, K. Xiong, M. Rahouti. "Kernel-Space Intrusion Detection Using Software-Defined Networking." In EAI Transactions journal 2018
  • M. Rahouti, K. Xiong, N. Ghani. "Bitcoin Concepts, Threats, and Machine-Learning Security Solutions." In IEEE Access journal 2019
  • F. Shaikh, M. Rahouti, N. Ghani, K. Xiong, E. Bou-Harb, J. Haq. "A Review of Recent Advances and Security Challenges in Emerging E-Enabled Aircraft Systems." In IEEE Access
  • M. Rahouti, K. Xiong. "A Customized Educational Booster for Online Students in Cybersecurity Education." In CSEDU 2019
  • M. Rahouti, K. Xiong. "Understanding Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) for Computer Networking and Security Education." In ASEE Annual Conference 2019
  • M. Rahouti, K. Xiong. "Facilitation of Cybersecurity Learning Through Real-World Hands-On Labs." In ASEE Annual Conference 2019
  • M. Rahouti, K. Xiong, T. Chin, P. Hu, D. Oliveira. "A Preemption-Based Timely Software Defined Networking Framework for Emergency Response Traffic Delivery." In HPCC 2019
  • M. Rahouti, K. Xiong, Y. Xin, N. Ghani. "LatencySmasher: A Software-Defined Networking-Based Framework for End-to-End Latency Optimization." In LCN 2019
  • Y. Li, K. Xiong, T. Chin, and C. Hu. "A Machine Learning Framework for Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA)-Based Malware Detection." IEEE Access, 2019
  • T. Chin, K. Xiong, and C. Hu, and Y. Li. "A machine learning framework for studying domain generation algorithm (DGA)-based malware." SecureComm, 2018
  • Y. Li, K. Xiong, X. Li. “A Machine Learning Framework for Studying User Behaviors in Phishing Email Processing.” IFIP SEC, 2019
  • Y. Li, M. Serrano, T. Chin, K. Xiong, J. Lin. “A Software Defined Networking-Based Detection and Mitigation Approach Against KRACK.” SECRYPT, 2019
  • Y. Li, K. Xiong, X. Li. “Understanding User Behaviors When Phishing Attacks Occur” IEEE ISI, 2019
  • Y. Li, K. Xiong, X. Li. "An Analysis of User Behaviors in Phishing Email Using Machine Learning Techniques." SECRYPT, 2019
Our Education and Research Sponsors
  • National Sceince Foundation (NSF)
  • usignite: Accelerating the Smart City Movement
  • Raytheon BBN Technologies: Raytheon's premier research and development centers
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Florida Center for Cybersecurity (Cyber Florida)
  • Global Environment for Networking Innovations (GENI)