Dr. Ojanen, Director
Danielle Findley, M.A.
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Social goals, self-concept, social-behavioral adjustment among peers
Raechel Canipe
Honor Student, Departmental Honors Program (2012-2013)
Research Interests: Social goals and competence, behavioral adjustment among peers
Thesis: Social Goals and Perceived Social Competence: Associations with Social Behavior in Middle School Award: Excellence in Undergraduate Research ($250), Undergraduate Research and Arts Colloquium, May 2012
Samantha Lutz
Coordinator of Undergraduate Research
Interests: Trait- and -state goal strivings, empathy, and social-emotional adjustment
Devon Robbins
Assistant Coordinator of Undergraduate Research
Research Interests: Psychopathic personality, goal strivings, aggression
Research assistants 2013
Jessica Winder, Jena Keenan, Sergio Perez, Chris Wingeier
Past Honor students
Nevana Pehar (2011)
Thesis: Social goal contagion: Affective reactions to being outperformed.
Associated awards:
- USF Undergraduate Research Grant 2011
- Travel grant, National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)--Ithaca, NY, 2011
Sarah Fuller (2010)
Thesis: Overt and relational aggression in adolescence: Different constructs, different psychological and social adjustment patterns?
Danielle Findley (2010)
Thesis: Do motivated withdrawn behaviors exist? Disentangling social disinterest from anxious solitude in adolescence.
Associated awards:
- USF Undergraduate Research and Arts Symposium, 2010: Honorable Mention
- PAR (Psychological Assessment Resources) Award for Excellence in Psychology ($5000)
- USF Undergraduate Conference Presentation Travel Grant ($600)
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